Kim Rice Real Estate

The Re-Development of DC’s Walter Reed

A new community integrated with the historic neighborhoods in the surrounding is going to emerge. It will create new housing, recreational, cultural and retail opportunities to honor the legacy of this most significant site in DC.

After a decade of planning for the redevelopment of The Walter Reed Army Medical Center, the massive redevelopment project reached a milestone. The Parks at Walter Reed will be mixed-use, 66-acre redevelopment of the former Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington DC. The District of Columbia Office of the Deputy Mayor for planning and development through The Walter Reed Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) selected the master development team of Hines, Urban, and Triden to work on the redevelopment of this most significant landmark site.

What Comes Under The Redevelopment?

The Walter Reed Army Medical Center redevelopment revolves around the preservation of several historic buildings, mixed-income residential housing, over 14 acres of green space and support services for seniors and veterans. It will accommodate the office, retail, medical and educational centers.

According to D.C Mayor Muriel Bowser, this project is an incredible investment opportunity.

It is expected that the district will construct more than 3 million space for the residential, office and retail purposes and it will bring 5,000 jobs to the market. The finished project will also include 21,000 housing units with 400 of those designated for affordable housing. Permanent supportive housing for homeless veterans, arts and cultural spaces, 200 room hotel and conference center, retail space, medical facilities operated by Howard University Hospital and nearly 20 acres of open space for the parks and plazas will be included in the project.

The parks at Walter Reed envision an inclusive, innovative and sustainable multi-use development along with the elaboration of a community. It is a massive project which can be divided into four more huge projects. Some of those projects are in the early stages of development whereas the others are underway. For instance, the capital crossing and the Wharf are in progress, whereas St. Elizabeth’s East and McMillan Reservoir Sand Filtration Site have just begun. Ward 4 Councilman Brandon Todd is charted course that will meet the needs of the residents and businesses for many years to come.

To renovate some of the most historic buildings on Walter Reed campus may require demolishing others and providing the state of the art infrastructure to the entire 66 acres, the urban Atlantic joined Hines, Triden, and Eagle bank.

The first phase of construction will demolish a 1970s-era hospital, and it will make way for the town center and will develop the infrastructure. It will also improve the landscape and preserve the historic building for renovation. According to Eagle Bank, this is a transformative development project for inclusive prosperity. It can bring jobs, affordable housing and economic opportunity for thousands of the residents. This redevelopment initiative took years for planning, but the future is bright for the Walter Reed, Ward 4 and the entire community.


In a nutshell, this long-standing and the highly comprehensive plan is an excellent model for the community-based development of nationally and historically significant site. The ultimate objective of this project is to reconnect the fantastic site of Walter Reed with its community, to celebrate the extensive, parks, greenery, and to create a beautiful place to live, work, shop and play around.